Las Vegas VFS Match Report December 3rd


New member
We had seven brave and crazy shooters show up for our 100/200 yard club match. As you can see in the scores the weather was cold with ALOT of wind gusting up to 45 mph! When we shot the 200 yard match there was so many choice words vocalized that it actually started to be funny. Those poor target frames!

100 Yards:

Keith Myers 250-9X
Sandy Lou 248-8X
Don Carter 247-8X
Tom Debacco 246-12X
John Seines 245-3X
Roger Queen 238-6X
Ron Dublieak 210-4X

200 Yards:

Keith Myers 237-4X
John Seines 235-2X
Tom Debacco 233-2X
Roger Queen 231-3X
Sandy Lou 227-4X
Don Carter 224-1X

100/200 Agg:

Keith Myers 487-13X
John Seines 480-5X
Tom Debacco 479-14X
Sandy Lou 475-12X
Don Carter 471-9X
Roger Queen 469-9X
There were 2 PPC's there, Sandy, anf I forgot the Gentlemen's name. Keith will know.
Windy and Cold. I got a good sinus infection out there.
Hi Lou, Sandy and I shot 6PPC's on Sat. and then we stayed over and shoot the Ground hog shoot on Sun. at 300yds. Sandy shot her 6PPC at 300yds and did very well I tried to shoot a 6 Dasher with out proper load development and should have just thrown the bullets. On Sat the wind gusted from 10 to over 40 mph according to my wind meter and was very switchy.Don