Largest 5050 indoor weekend ever!!! Piney Hill Feb. 18-19 ir5050 UL State & Regional.


Largest 5050 indoor weekend ever!!! Piney Hill Feb. 18-19 ir5050 UL State & Regional.

Okay, coming up in just a few weeks will be the largest 5050 weekend in terms of targets shot ever.

Saturday we will shoot the Virginia State Unlimited Yards followed by the Mid-Atlantic Regional Yards.

Sunday we will shoot the Virginia State Unlimited Meters followed by the Mid-Atlantic Regional Meters.

That's 12 targets in 2 days.

So, that's 4 matches in one weekend if you want to shoot all 4. Don't like Meters? Shoot 2 yards matches on Saturday. No time on Saturday to shoot but Sunday's free? Come on over and shoot 2 matches... or 1. Mix and match.

Both days we will start the first relay at 8:00 so we can finish at a reasonable time so please be there by 7:00 so we can get benches drawn in a timely fashion.

The range will be open Friday for practice.

Warm days for Piney Hill!

So, the weather will be unseasonably warm this weekend at Piney Hill for the largest indoor match ever...

No weather excuses not to come shoot.

Shoot 1 match or all 4...

Bring your warm weather ammo!