LaGrande Oregon Shooting


G Vanlier
The LaGrande Oregon Rifle & Pistol Club will once again be shooting VFS/Hunter matches, after a long absence. Matches are listed in the Precision Shooting Magazine, and are the 3rd weekend of April, June and July. The May match will be the return of The Oregon Trail Classic, and is a Hunter Rifle Shoot, on the Memorial day weekend, 100,200, & 300 Yards. Set up for all match's will be 8:00am start shooting at 9:00am Contact information is ;

Gary Vanlier
2887 S. Benecia Way
Nampa Id. 83686

208-965-1992 or 208-461-0315

If you have any questions feel free to contact.
Way to go

The LaGrande Oregon Rifle & Pistol Club will once again be shooting VFS/Hunter matches, after a long absence. Matches are listed in the Precision Shooting Magazine, and are the 3rd weekend of April, June and July. The May match will be the return of The Oregon Trail Classic, and is a Hunter Rifle Shoot, on the Memorial day weekend, 100,200, & 300 Yards. Set up for all match's will be 8:00am start shooting at 9:00am Contact information is ;

Gary Vanlier
2887 S. Benecia Way
Nampa Id. 83686

208-965-1992 or 208-461-0315

If you have any questions feel free to contact.

Gary!!! Tell the Head Beaver I said it was about damn time. Also, let me know if there is any remote control stuff I can help with.

David, thanks for the offer of remote help. Hows my other favorite dog doing? Frank Taggart is going to help out too, so I think we will do ok. I am a little upset though, I wasn't thinking and scheduled the match the same week that Henry's Fork and other areas of the state for the opening of trout season!
WOW! LaGrande BR.

I shot my first matches there back around 97-99 while I was stationed out at Mountain Home AFB. Had to use a Remington 223, 700 VS with a 4-12 X Leupold on it. That crazy gun would agg .323. Probably better if it had someone behind it that knew what they were doing.

Started having a rifle built over the summer of 99 by Steve Kostanich while uncle sent me to Korea. Ended up leaving Idaho for South Dakota. (Now living just East of Tampa, FL)

Some of the names I remember Ron Pence(not the barrel maker), Kerry, John (who shot the full 308), Ron in Boise. David, weren't you around back then also?

Glad to hear you guys are getting things going again. Say hi to the gang out there and don't let all those onions make you cry on the drive out.
Some of the guys you mentioned still shoot Ron Baldner, I see him once in a while at Vale, Or shoot. Mt. Home hasn't changed much, the wife and I go down there aboutevery3 months tostock up on Grocerys from the commisary. LaGrande has such a beutiful range, it was ashame to see it sit idle for the last8 years, so I figured it was time to volunteer to get it going again. I don't think there are very many guys shooting full size .308 anymore, since the 30 BRcame into the sport.