L461 Vixen

John S

After a number of years I decided to start shooting my Sako Vixen L461 chambered in 222 Rem Mag.

At the range this morning when I opened the bolt it simply slid out of the reciever.

I am not certain what the bolt stop should look like on the end of the lever; however the bolt release still works freely. I can not determine where it should engage/stop the bolt.

It would be nice to have a drawing or picture of the works.

Any ideas?

Yes it still fires and extracts.

Thank you.
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Does your bolt release look like this?

If so, this next picture will show the bolt release lever laying against the bolt release housing. I had to make my own as I could find them no place in the world.

Hope this helps.
Bolt release spring on mine broke--bolt fell out. Replaced with handmade one using hardware store wire bent to approximate pieces or following picture in NRA assembly guides- L579 data works. Next-make sure the bolt guide is rotated to the action port side and not the bolt release side - don't ask how I found about this one -cleaned and lubed bolt shot right out on the dirt when opened to insert OBI with muzzle up.
I'm such an IDIOT!

Thank you J.M. Cartwright!!!!!!!

180 degrees really makes a difference.

Man, I thought I had broke a really sweet rifle.

And thanks to all that respond on BRC:)=

Butch I was about to contact you. Nice work on the bolt stop level.