KY state IBS score winners

Jackie Stogsdil

New member
I want to thank everyone (36)that showed up and made this a great shoot. Conditions were pretty good for a change. We even had a brief rain shower to cool things down late in the day. We also had a computer glitch and I will have to start from scratch and re-enter everything. I am glad that I was keeping scores on paper as we went, because I don't trust computers, especially when I am at the controls. Thanks again guys. Jackie

1. Jim Campbell 250-23
2. Wayne Lewis 250-23
3. Roger Avery 250-23
4. Charlie Steinius 250-22
5. John Kruzan 250-22

1. Jim Wooten 250-15
2. Danny Hensley 250-14
3. Henry Rivers 250-13
4. Wayne Lewis 250-13
5. Greg Yanders 250-12

1. Wayne Lewis 500-36
2. Henry Rivers 500-34
3. Danny Hensley 500-34
4. Jim Wooten 500--34
5. Roger Avery 500-32
Thanks Jackie and crew for a great shoot and great food as well. I think I like the conditions a little more challenging:D, but I still had a lot of fun. See you next month.

Dan Honert
Great Shooting guys.
Sadly I do not see any of my friends from Md. and Va listed. I guess it will be a long drive home.

Wayne France had 21X's at 100 and 17X's at 200, but he dropped a point on the 4th match at 200. His 499-38X was good enough to win the cash option.
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Ky states

Just to repeat what has already been said, thanks to everyone that helped run the match. AS always Jackie and the crew outdid their self and had a great shoot, just hate Roger and myself were late for the class. Always a pleasure to shoot there, and I`am proud of Wayne for his first grand Agg, great shooting (little snake)!!!!:D:D

Ky states

Obviously I enjoyed the trip, but past all that; win, lose, or draw, going to Jackies's place is a good trip. A well run match is the norm. Congrats to all the guys who finished well.
Shawn Harris

A junior shooter shot a 500-25X grand agg ,congrats to Shawn. There was 14 500 aggs shot with I think 75X's shot in the first match at 200yds. That is some mighty fine shooting by some of the best guys and gal you could ever spend the day with. I hope everyone had a safe trip home and can make it back next year. Jackie
Shawn Harris

Sorry, I left not realizing Shawn had shot so well. Belated congratulations are due for that. Also I think I remember in addition to shooting, he pulled a good bit of target crew duty. For sure, thanks for that.
it was a good time shooting, great bunch of guys and a good feed at lunch. thanks, jackie. i wonder why it was twice as far home as it was going down?

I went out early Sunday morning to get the paper and heard a coyote make just one half hearted howl, he must have been feeling your pain.
My congratulations to Wayne Lewis, aka Little Joe, Little Snake, on his first grand agg win. Wayne has steadily gotten better, and learned how to "fix" things that get broken in technique, wind reading decisions, etc. with a lot of cool determination. And, he is a great guy & enjoyable person to be around. I am glad to have been a part of getting him started in IBS score shooting, including presenting him with "his first piece of wood".:D