Kneck tension & 133 powder.


russell m

I always here that 133 likes a lot of kneck tension. When my loaded round has approx
.003 tens the holes in the paper are very ragged & have a very light black ring on the border. It does not shoot well for me. When I get closer to .002 tens the holes in the paper are clean & has a thicker black ring on the boarder. Should I continue trying to work with the .003 tens to get it to shoot better groups? russell m
OK Her is another Question. If one person is shooting a 263 neck & another shooting 269 neck & both have .003 neck tens. Will the 269 actually be more tens because the neck wall is thicker. It will be at least .003 thicker. russell m
First and second question....yes

Are you loading at the range?

Have you looked at the videos of one of Jack Neary's presentations on tuning 133?
Yes I do load at the range & Yes I have watched his videos. I will watch them again. I have also called Jack & spoke with him.
It just seems that if I get anything over 2.5 tens my goups get ugly & the bullets holes get real ragged. I am shooting a 269 neck with 11.8 brass & a 265 bushing using Conways new 7/11 ojive bullet. It measures a 3 on the heal. So far it is showing some promise. I am also shooting Barts newest BT that measures a 8 on the heal. On this bullet I using brass cut to 11.6 & a 264 bushing. I havent been able to get the barts bullet to shoot as well. Still working with them. russell m
Boyd. How do you determine your neck tens. What I have been doing is take the neck thickness times 2, plus the bullet, minus the bushing.
I carefully measure the sized neck (so as not to compress it into an oval), and then seat a bullet, and then measure again. over the pressure ring.
Thank You Boyd. I don't know why I didn't figure that one out. This will really let me know what my tens really is.