I'm pretty knew to rimfire bench rest but have a little experience with the Kimber 82G. The first one of got used off of Gun Broker and it shot really nice under 1/2" @ 50 yards most of the time -box stock.
I just got another Kimber 82G a few weeks back from the CMP. It is a little off just under 1" @ 50 yards but i haven't shot it but 20 or 30 times. I look for it to improve after a couple 100 rounds or so.
The 82G i just received i did bore scope the barrel before i fired it. Actually i was surprised, the barrel had been lapped, there were no tool marks at all only marks were the chamber and the leade. I'm no expert with a bore scope, just got one, but i have 2 new Lilja bbls that are hand lapped. The Kimber looked just like the Liljas.
Now the new 82G had some tool marks and a few "teeth" across the leade. It looked like maybe a good bronze wire brushing would knock the teeth off where they had been sorta smeard off to the side when the chamber was cut. Probably a few hundred rounds would clean it up also.
Everyones skill level is a little different so i don't want to insult your expertise. If the gun is still new less than 500 rounds -i would not recutt the chamber just yet. Be sure there is not build up of fouling/lead in the first inch or so of the barrel. Give it a good bronze brush scrubbing.
Be sure the barrel is free floated, should come that way but check with a dollar bill. be sure your action screws are nice and tight. maybe you have tried another scope to eliminate scope errors.
Under a 1/2 to maybe 1/4" at 50 yards should be attainable. with your stock bbl and good ammo.
I hope it is not against policy but the best Kimber site i have found is at
Rimfire Central. Mr. Marty is shooting 249 with 12x's with his stock bbl Kimber. I would ask over there also.
The 82G is threaded -you won't have a chance of getting the barrel out without the proper tools, i tried! I had to make a relief cut in my lathe so it would come out. I have a
thread with pics where i did a rebarrel of my Kimber.
I will be adding another thread today on another rebarrel for a Kimber. I have had several bbls on my "test mule".. none so far have been any better than stock one, lol. Course i'm learning and ain't no expert by no means.
I wouldn't be too quick to remove the bbl just yet... just sayin joe