Kiff/ Lambert Micro Adjustable Reamer Stop


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Kiff/ Lambeth Micro Adjustable Reamer Stop

Just used the new micro adjustable reamer stop on a chamber yesterday. Easy to set up and worked just as you would have expected. Two thumbs up it worked great. What a nice addition to the tool box!

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Reamer stop

Good pictures and information on Pacific Tool website.
Hi John,

do you use a flushing system at all when chambering? I wondered what those micro-reamer stop thingys were like to use if you had oil gushing out through it, or not?



You mean the Nat Lambeth (Rustystud) adjustable reamer stop?

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Using a Micrometer Adjustable reamer Stop with a flush system


The Micrometer Adjustable Reamer Stop is made of tool steel and is laser engraved. It will work with or without a flush system. I would recomend you reduce your flush to 5-10 pounds of pressure on your final cuts. Because it is tool steel I recomend you thoroughly clean dry and lubricate the tool after its use as tool steel will rust. Also because it has fine 40 threads per inch keep the threads clean and lubricated. I use a soft tooth brush.

Feel free to call or e-mail Dave Kiff (541 826- 5808 or myself (919662-6848 you have any questions.

Just for your information we have an adapter for those wanting to do rimfire chambers or pistol barrels (small tenon diameter).

This will all I say because there are folks on this sight who think my post are for financial gain and not in information purposes. Let me say I am not getting rich on the sale of these tools.

Nat Lambeth
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Just for your information we have an adapter for those wanting to do rimfire chambers or pistol barrels (small tenon diameter).

Nat Lameth

Nat, I was unable to use the tool last summer when I was chambering a barrel in 22 Hornet for a small falling block action. Tenon was, I believe, 3/4 inch. So this adapter would have solved this problem?

Here is the image of the Micro Adjustable Reamer Stop Kit

Nat Lameth , Post # 8 It was his idea and he joinded forces with PTG to make the Micro reamer stop.


Sorry for misspelling your last name but thanks for bringing the reamer stop to all of us.

I wonder if this isn't a solution to a problem that don't exist. I don't have a problem reaming a chamber to within a thou of what I want.
I wonder if this isn't a solution to a problem that don't exist. I don't have a problem reaming a chamber to within a thou of what I want.
I have been a machinist, toolmaker, gunsmith for 40 years. I use the stp because it works as advertised and makes chambering simple. You can return the tailstock to any position, no dial indicators, etc needed. I have them on each of the reamers I use the most at work and can cut a chamber in a pressure test (EPVAT) barrel in less than 15 minutes using the stop and a pressure flush system. I have done 10 test barrels in one day all with the exactly the same chamber dimensions.