Kettlefoot Virginia State ARA Sporter Results 7-8-11


Club Coordinator
We started out with a beautiful evening
Temperatures in the low 70 and calm winds
Then came the Storm with heavy rain and lots of lighting
The rest of the evening was wet and the conditions were hard to shoot in
Making for a lot of where did that come from and lots of I bdamns and oh shuchs

Congratulations to all the Winners

High overall 6 target Agg. Winner Jim Harris

Winner Target 1 Cliff Keesee
Winner Target 2 Cliff Keesee
Shooting a New ARA Sporter World Record

Winner Target 3 David Cook
Winner Target 4 James Carroll
Winner Target 5 James Carroll
Winner Target 6 Robert Varney

Click Below for


  • VA State ARA Sporter Tournment 7-8-11.xls
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Congratulations to Jim Harris on your 6 gun sporter win and to all of the winners. Looks like Calfee sporters 20 & 22 won 4 of the six matches.
Congratulations to Cliff Keesee on your new sporter world record of 2350. Miss being with you guys.