Kettlefoot Unlimited Nationals

Kettlefoot will be having a several matches this week. We will start out on Tuesday (7/11) with a Unlimited Club match. This will be a money match starting at 6 p.m. On Friday evening (7/14) we will have a Unlimited Soty match starting at 6 p.m. We will be shooting 3 targets both nights. Saturday (7/15) we will be hosting the Nationals Unlimited. We will be shooting meters first followed by yards. Starting time will be 9 a.m. Fees for Saturday will be $35.00 for meters and $35.00 for yards. Sunday (7/15) we will have the Nationals Unlimited Team Challenge. Starting time will be 8 a.m. We will supply food for Saturday and Sunday.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.
If anyone has any questions contact me at 423-306-4319 or by e-mail at
