Kettlefoot National Question



I see it's 3 days.

Is it 3 targets each day like a regular match ?
Do you rotate benches ?
If there are two relays do you just take your wind flags down ?
In sporter do you shoot yards and meters


Cliff will fill in the details. Sporter only on Friday. I don't remember how many cards. 3 gun yards on Sat and 3 gun meters on Sun. Relays will probably depend on number of shooters attending. With 60 benches I hope we need at least 2, but getting out early on Sunday would be nice for those of us with an 8-10 hour drive home. bob
IR 50/50 3 Gun Nationals August 13th 14th 15th
Practice Thursday August 12th from 10:AM to 6:pM
Friday 13th Sporter Nationals
Starting Time 9: AM
Entry Fee $35.00 3 Targets to be shot at 50 Yards
Bench Rotation in effect
Move 20 Bench’s
After the completion of Target 1, Target 2, and Target 3

Saturday 14th 3 Gun Nationals 50 Yards
Starting Time 9: AM
Sporter class , 10.5 lb class, 13.5 lb class
Entry Fee $35.00
Bench Rotation in effect
Move 10 Bench’s
After the completion of each class

Sunday 15th 3 Gun Nationals 50 Meters
Starting Time 8:AM
Sporter class , 10.5 lb class, 13.5 lb class
Entry Fee $35.00
Bench Rotation in effect
Move 10 Bench’s
After the completion of each class

There will be 2 Relays for each class
And additional Relays if needed

Contact Cliff Keesee
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