Kettlefoot Indoors

Kettlefoot will be hosting a 3-gun soty match followed by a unlimited soty match Saturday December 12. Starting time will be 9:00 am, lunch will be served between matches. This is indoors. Go past the outdoor range to the club house. Looking forward to seeing everyone.



Back when IR first started, and for the first 10 years or so thereafter, if you were shooting from an enclosed area while still having the bullet travel outdoors being subjected to all the elements and conditions, that would have been called MODIFIED rather than Indoor.

We ran a lot of Modified matches at Pinnacle Mountain during those winter's, and I believe some of those scores may be still Archived somewhere under the IR website. Then the Cook's decided to take that listing away and made doing so the same as OUTDOOR whenever it was only the shooter and gun that were inside and protected from the elements while shooting through portholes with the bullet still having to travel from the end of the barrel to the target, and INDOOR shooting then and now meant shooting at places like Piney Hill where you're in a specially built Indoor facility.

Dave Shattuck
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Read the IR50/50 rules for Indoor ranges. If any portion of the bullet path is indoors it is an indoor range. Yes, we shoot through a porthole then through a roofed and walled area. The entire path of the bullet is protected from the wind by a hillside and a wall. IR50/50 and ARA have both sanctioned the matches as indoors.