Kelbly Atlas


Active member
Anyone have one? Whats your thoughts? They look like a great action to me! I have a close friend who is interested. I wonder if the tolerances are to tight for a field gun? My buddy is supposed to call Kelblys today and check on availability. I told him i would see what i could find out about them. Thanks Lee
I have one chambered in 6BR (single shot) which I have been using for short range Bencrest shooting. This action is smooth as silk and I have recommended it to a friend who has one on order as well. You can't go wrong with this action.
I called and specifically asked if the bolt clearance was greater than they use for their benchrest actions, and the person that I spoke with said that it is not. I suspect that if you did a proper job of building a benchrest rifle with one that its performance on target would be indistinguishable from any of the top actions.
I was thinking about the Atlas on my next rifle. Deer, Elk, and such.
I have a Grizzly 2 for Benchrest. Can't beat it. Kelbly's makes good stuff.....
Jim and Ian are really easy to talk to. Give them a call.