Karl Kenyon Rifle



Pardon me all, would anyone be able to tell me the best place to sell a collectable rifle? My dad has a 22 rifle made by Mr. Karl Kenyon. He didn't make part of the rifle, but all of the rifle. (I believe it is only one of 9 made.) It is apparently a very special rifle, and not something I'd like to sell just anywhere. Would appreciate any recommendations.

The classified ad feature here at Benchrest Central does a pretty good job for items that are priced fairly. You'll need to create a separate account but can have the ad placed in a matter of minutes. Don't include your Dad's address and you'll be OK.
ditto on the classifieds here,or you could try rimfire central
Thank you

Classifieds is clear as day in retrospect. Sorry I missed it - and thanks.

Can you note here how Karl signed his name on the barrel please.
Please note when you post the ad.

Kenyon Signature

I should have the ad up this week, but to answer the question there are two signatures. The first one on the barrel, stamped "K Kenyon" near coming down to the second bracket which holds the barrel to the gun. The second one is the black part of the rifle where shells come out..."K Kenyon"
Pardon me all, would anyone be able to tell me the best place to sell a collectable rifle? My dad has a 22 rifle made by Mr. Karl Kenyon. He didn't make part of the rifle, but all of the rifle. (I believe it is only one of 9 made.) It is apparently a very special rifle, and not something I'd like to sell just anywhere. Would appreciate any recommendations.

You would be well served by posting your Kenyon Rifle on TargetTalk. Here is the link.....http://www.targettalk.org/. Also give Scott Pilkington a call - he may have a buyer ready.
