Temperatures on Saturday during the Mid-Continent Regional Heavy Varmit reached 107 at 4 PM.
HV -
Dean Ekstrom was the 100 yard winner. Larry Scharnhorst won at 200 yards. The grand agg. went to Dean Ekstrom.
On Sunday they fired Unlimited 5 shot and Light Varmit. Temperature peaked at "only" 93 degrees.
Ron Hoehn was the 200 yard winner in Unl. The 200 yard LV winner was Dean Ekstrom.
At 100 yards the Unl. winner was Ron Hoehn. LV winner at 100 yards was Dean Ekstrom.
To no one's surprise the grand winner of Unl. was Ron Hoehn. Dean Ekstrom won the LV grand.
31 shooters participated under difficult weather conditions. This report is taken from the match report by match director Don Creach.