Just seen on


Max Shaffer

rimfirecentral that Karl Kenyon has died. We are diminished! Max
I am surprized at the O reaction to the loss of Karl Kenyon. Before the advent of the Jewell trigger, he probably made one of the best triggers around. They were at one time listed as an option on the Winchester 52. He also made a trigger for the Rem. 700, or any of it's clones. To see one would remind you of the innard's of a fine English shot gun. Seem's like the last I heard, they sold for $300 dollars plus.
The lack of reaction may...............

be because of not a wide-ranging audience.
His name wasn't really known outside the br circuit and position shooters, add to that the fact that he had lots of work and never advertised as far as I know.
The internet was probably the greatest boost to his notariety, and, it was probably way too late for him to become interested in the workings of it.

I know I found out about him, and Canjar, only through a long-gone gunsmith that knew quality; and sadly, I never had the disposable income to get one of his products.
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I have a Karl Kenyon Martini Mk 11 International. I visited with him last year about it. He is just a really fine gentleman.