Just one question.

I would guess that the reason is that those who post them want more attention given to the information than posting in "right" place would generate. Fortunately, thread titles usually make it pretty simple to skip threads that they are not interested in. Where would you put up a temporary sign advertising something, somewhere where no one looks or goes, or where they are more likely to see it?
Thought it a good idea....

But...It was not a good idea. It seems that folks don't post stuff where it goes and I've learned to live with that. Spent a lot of time moving posts around and finally gave up. It's OK for the most part as we only had one topic to begin with....and then I had a "better" idea.....
I would guess that the reason is that those who post them want more attention given to the information than posting in "right" place would generate. Fortunately, thread titles usually make it pretty simple to skip threads that they are not interested in. Where would you put up a temporary sign advertising something, somewhere where no one looks or goes, or where they are more likely to see it?

Well, if the out-house was out of order, I would hang the out of order sign, on the out-house door. The forum home page has all the listings on one page, not really hard to see or find. But I know what you mean.

I agree with George, most don't belong here. Only exception I can think of might be match cancellations that otherwise might not get noticed.
Where's the harm? :rolleyes:

Bill, I guess there is no harm. Its just that of the 40 threads on page one, 30 of them are about upcoming or previous matches. I really do read about upcoming and match results, but I can read about them in their proper place just as well. That would leave this portion open to other discussions about rimfires. I do not get an opportunity to visit here everyday and with the large number of matches both upcoming and results, something I may have been interested in, may have been relegated to page 2 or 3 by then. Wilbur runs a pretty good site here and made a place for everything, JMO, I think we should use it accordingly. But I guess if Wilbur is okay with it, go ahead.

Wilbur, I think we should incorporate a " where's the proper thread belong" thread.
Wilbur has always run a better than good not just pretty good
Maybe it's not to late to move your post and put it where it belongs
Wilbur has always run a better than good not just pretty good
Maybe it's not to late to move your post and put it where it belongs

Well Cliff, it really should be. If Wilbur wants to, I have no problem with that. I just asked a question and stated my opinion. Its was not my intent to start an argument or put anyone down, if that is what your implying. FYI, I emailed Wilbur days before starting this thread and did not receive a reply, I am sure he gets hundreds of email a day with suggestions and may have not seen it. Wilbur posted his answer and that is all I wanted to know.
