Just joined



Shot the first Airgun BR saturday. Don and his crew did a great job putting on the match. A Few things I learned, springers should have there own class, iron sights are a bit**. I was able to get 4x's in one relay with the irons. The problem with irons are the hole in the middle of the front globe. You can get 4 bulls in it, very hard to find a constant hold spot. Shot a couple relys that went over 200. The wind, whole differant ballgame with pellets. Had a great time and will be doing it again. tim
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Air gun show

Where will the air gun show be held in Little Rock. I'm trying to stir up a little interest it air rifles at the gun club in Texarkana. Maybe I can get some folks to go to the show.
Larry Burchfield
Treasurer/Match Director
Texarkana Gun Club
The show is at the fair grounds in Benton. It is on the south outer road of I-30, just east of Benton. Come Friday as that is when everyone will be there. Saturday it closes down pretty quick.

Thanks for the heads up Don. I've got it marked on my calander to go on Friday.
Linda and I are going. If I can get her intrested maybe she will let me buy one. What time, and is it Friday or Saturday or both?

Paul Thompson
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