July 3 2021 USARB match Mattawan Mi 25 meter results


Yesterday we had our July monthly USARB match at Southern Michigan Gun Club and we had a very good turn out. Those that did show, shot both the morning event and the afternoon event which made for a great Grand aggregate. We were met with mild weather and clear skies. There were some light breezes, but the shooters handled it well.

I mentioned to everyone that we will be having the Great Lakes Invitational in September and that we would be using targets today that I was trying out for the ease of scoring by Pre-labelling the targets for competition number and bench and match. Surprisingly, that went very smooth and I believe that will be the “new standard” here.

We had a potential new shooter show up in the morning, and it was very good to meet him, Scott Worthington from the eastern side of the state. As it turns out we used to shoot some of the same clubs over there and just never had a chance to meet. He is familiar with air rifles, and familiar with field target, but now he’s checking out the USARB and EBR types of Benchrest. I believe he may find a good fit with our club. I also explained the new N50 system to him.

We had some real good scores. And some really tight races. We had Vern Bouws shooting the LV class and doing very well, we had Alan Moerdyk shooting the Springer class and shooting what I believe was his best scores that I've seen. (sir) Ryan Parks, shot the Open class and turned in some phenomenal scores of 740, and 743! Then for the most heavily contested class, the HV, we had 4 guys that were on top in the morning and afternoon… in no particular order, Tom Evans, Eric Simmons, Jon Wulff, and Ken Brown… these guys all did extremely well yesterday, Joe Chapmin, Rod Parks, and Francis Becigneul were right there, but with a couple small failures that kept them down in the running. Michelle had a rifle malfunction late in the day which kept her from finishing, and she had been shooting some of her best targets yet. Below are the scores. Web Admin, please post these scores and highlights.

Our next Match is August 7 , again I will be there by 8am , we ask that everyone else be there before 930 to get registration, flags, benches and preparation taken care of for a 10am start time. We have some more things to get in order for the September match to run perfect, I will hopefully be implementing them on August 7. We had a few shooters bring their registration and checks yesterday for the Great Lakes Invitational. You can help best by getting the word out to those friends of yours that may not get to our shoots or shoot in nearby states.

Thank you all for coming and enjoy your Freedom and Independence, Happy Independence Day.


107 Eric Simmons HV 247 10 242 9 249 12 738 31 0.177
102 Tom Evans HV 242 8 247 10 248 10 737 28 0.177
110 Ken Brown HV 249 6 241 4 245 8 735 18 0.177
105 Jon Wulff HV 243 6 248 8 238 6 729 20 0.177
106 Joe Chapmin HV 246 7 244 4 234 5 724 16 0.177
109 Rod Parks HV 241 4 238 7 244 10 723 21 0.177
207 Francis Becigneul HV 234 4 237 6 208 1 679 11 0.177
104 Vern Bouws LV 240 7 241 7 242 3 723 17 0.177
208 Michelle Becigneul LV 220 1 213 2 238 2 671 5 0.177
101 Ryan Parks Open 249 13 247 9 247 10 743 32 0.22
103 Alan Moerdyk Spr 232 1 231 2 228 0 691 3 0.177
105 Jon Wulff HV 248 8 247 5 249 8 744 21 0.177
102 Tom Evans HV 247 9 248 13 246 7 741 29 0.177
106 Joe Chapmin HV 242 3 247 6 248 9 737 18 0.177
110 Ken Brown HV 245 8 246 4 240 8 731 20 0.177
107 Eric Simmons HV 247 10 237 10 245 13 729 33 0.177
109 Rod Parks HV 242 7 238 6 245 8 725 21 0.177
207 Francis Becigneul HV 232 3 236 2 239 4 707 9 0.177
104 Vern Bouws LV 242 3 241 4 242 8 725 15 0.177
208 Michelle Becigneul LV 212 0 233 0 154 0 599 0 0.177
101 Ryan Parks Open 245 7 246 7 249 7 740 21 0.22
103 Alan Moerdyk Spr 221 2 225 2 226 3 672 7 0.177
Grand Agg
102 Tom Evans HV 1478 57
105 Jon Wulff HV 1473 41
107 Eric Simmons HV 1467 64
110 Ken Brown HV 1466 38
106 Joe Chapmin HV 1461 34
109 Rod Parks HV 1448 42
207 Francis Becigneul HV 1386 20
104 Vern Bouws LV 1448 32
208 Michelle Becigneul LV 1270 5
101 Ryan Parks Open 1483 53
103 Alan Moerdyk Spr 1363 10