JTR Benchrest Stocks (Robertson Composites)



Was wondering how many of you have used the JTR Benchrest Stocks made by Robertson Composites and what you thought of it. I am having an anschutz 54 put in one and have another on the way for a second rifle.

The stock seems very stiff, very well made and I really like the way it rides and slides in my pappas rest.

Not looking to promote or badmouth anyones product. Just looking for some real world feedback.


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DSCN0849.jpg that's being inletted and bedded, my first impression is it's well built and should ride the bags well. I am partial to wood stocks but this is a nice looking stock.
I'm with you Martin, I like what I see so far and think it is going to work pretty darn well.

By the way if someone has a thought regarding this stock they don't feel comfortable posting just send me a PM.


Charlie, I have three 30BR score rifles built by Jim Borden that use those stocks & they ride the bags better than anything I've shot before. Do they make a stock specifically for RF? If so, that might be even better. The molded in color is a great plus, too, unless you just prefer to paint your stocks.
Nope, exact same stocks for rimfire.

Thanks for the feedback.

just a thoughts or two

yes same stock for rimfire,
we are considering making a sporter stock if these sell well,
they are selling at the same rate as the speedy version also made by robertson composites, even though no advertising, just word of mouth,
some teams at south africa (centerfire worlds in 2009) liked the stock and it is easier to export from canada than the usa to others overseas.

very sturdy, well made and they will catch on,
I am the J in J T R
charlie PM your phone number and i will call you with some more details if you wish
as I cannot work on my indoor 55 yard rimfire range today snow on ground

I have built 3 0r 4 turbos on them this year they work good I added weight to butt they are light but really easy to fix i would'nt be scared to build on one and the finish on them is great.
Thanks Jefferson, I am very impressed with the stock, I bought one fromr Jerry Stiller several years ago and never used it but am just now having a rifle stocked in it.....I have another on the way from Killough. I think it is going to work well.

Richard, good to hear from you hope your recovery is going well, are you able to do any work?

Not yet

Have'nt gone back to work yet have to go back to doc's dec. 1 all surgerys are done hope to start rehab in dec. if so I should be back jan. or feb. cant wait to get back at it you go a little crazy setting at home but it wont be long just a waiting game now.
Is Robertson still making stocks? There is a lot of talk on one of the silhouette boards that they are not going to be making any more new stocks for sale, but will fill existing orders.

Mr Jetmug

perhaps you would like to share by way of a PM what silly wet boards they are so I can quell the rumour mongers,
the company Robertson Composites are behind in orders, gee that is a sign of over demand for product.

perhaps more on a different thread, this is about the quality,

pretty good quality I might add.

let me know curious to visit rumour monger sites, (I be lawyer in for a percentage on rumour monger claims)
