John Picher THANK YOU for 16 years of Rimfire Benchrest at CCRPC



Thank You for your 16 years as Match Director for Rimfire Benchrest at CCRPC. Glad you will be still shooting at the matches and that Peter Wass is taking over as match director. I enjoy shooting the matches at Capital City as I Summer 15 miles from the range.
Enjoyed your last match and hope to see you next Summer.

Congradulations on the great attendance you have at the matches. Your doing something right!

Great shooting everyone! At least my gun did well, the only trouble I wasn't shooting it. Mike shot my gun with three different lots that didn't shoot well at the Worlds 2 weeks ago. I shot killer ammo but that was 100 degree +. It doesn't shoot at 70 degree. $1200.00 mistake!
Congradulations to Gary and Mike on the only 250's.

Match Results - Capitol City R&P, Augusta, Maine Date: 8/13/2011

Gary Hamilton 248 18 2 250 15 1 248 14 13 746 47
Mike Luce 246 12 4 250 15 2 249 16 22 745 43
Klayton Hayes 249 15 11 246 11 2 247 10 8 742 36
Wayne Harvey 249 15 14 248 11 21 245 6 9 742 32
John Picher 245 8 5 249 10 6 247 9 14 741 27
Steve Adams 248 15 2 248 11 1 244 9 3 740 35
Paul Bendix 248 13 5 247 17 15 244 9 1 739 39
Steve Page 248 13 16 243 6 3 234 5 4 725 24
Peter Wass 243 7 7 236 7 6 246 8 1 725 22
John Hassam 242 6 1 240 7 2 243 8 1 725 21
Joe Jarrier 244 10 5 239 5 2 239 6 1 722 21
Paul Maheux 232 9 3 247 13 4 241 9 9 720 31
Don Howlett 240 6 2 235 2 1 240 9 2 715 17
Lloyd Roberts 233 7 1 230 8 1 214 3 1 677 18
Don Howlett (Re-Entry) NA NA 222 4 2 222 4

Paul Bendix

Sorry to hear you're finally passing the torch, but I fully understand since I did the same at the end of last year. My problem was, I didn't have anyone to give it to. And you are to be commended on the job you have done over your turn at the helm. I mean, look at the attendance just for this match. I rarely saw 15 shooters come to Pinnacle unless it was at a State Shoot, and even then, there were only 3 times in 15 years when we saw any more.


That's too bad about the ammo, especially since it cost us so much just to be in S.C. anyway. I have always cautioned shooters against testing, then buying any large quantities of ammo when the temps are below 50°, so I guess it stands to reason that the same would hold true when things are reversed and the temps are over 100°. Maybe you can recover some of your investment by selling it to one of the warm-weather shooters from down south.



Wow! 16 years as an MD is to be commended! I think the job of being a match director is the only job I've ever had that no one else wanted:) I keep hoping someone young and energetic will come along, so I can put it off on him, er uh, I mean pass it along to him.:) Just joking, kinda. Great job of hanging in there and providing a service to the rimfire communtiy for such a long stretch. I'm sure they all apreciate you for the work you've done.