Jewell Long Shoe Trigger


Registered User
Does anybody know where I can get a long shoe Jewell Trigger? I used to get them from Lester Bruno but that option is gone as is Jewell.
If you know of a shop or an individual wanting to sell one please let me know.I will buy it outright or give you another brand new trigger for it and cover all expenses.
Lynn aka Waterboy
I want a longer trigger so it would require cutting the shoe off and adding a section at the top of the shoe not the bottom in order to do it correctly.I also don't want to warp anything but don't know if that is even a problem?
Lynn aka Waterboy
I bought one today from Bill Shehane at D-B Supply and he is going to ship it overnight to boot so I can shoot this weekend.He stocks them and has them all the time plus he even called me at work.
They are part # Jewell BR-E and I guess the "E" stands for the extended shoe.
I don't know why Bruno's told me they were no longer available?
Lynn aka Waterboy
Great news....once agian it is proven if you need something for a long range gun .....whooo you gonna call????? Billlllll........if you cant find it Bill or Leonard Baity will either have it or know where to get it or how to make it.........Roger