Jeff Rogers

Charles E


I got the following message from Bill Shehane, who asked me to post it

Let Jeff Rogers know I have 1 Maxi Tracker Heavy Gun in his all time favorite 7MM with the barrel just broke in and 50 rounds of brass fireformed and a Tracker II Light Gun chambered in the same round with 2 barrels ( 1 with 50 rounds on it and the other unfired). Both are zeroed for 1000 and ready to shoot.

Got a stash of EVERY good 7MM Match bullet ever made (NO they're not for sale) plenty of primers, 500 rounds of brass turned and ready to load -- big stash of V V-170, old & new R-25 and anything else it would take to win the Nationals, just needs a driver.

Front & rear rests and everything he will need-- just get over here and I'll get someone to take it to Iowa for him and he can fly out.

Be nice to have him here a few days and we would work up loads - make brass - tell lies - and generally have a good time.

I would be honored to have him here and make it so he could compete in honor of our lost friend Alan Peake.

My Grandson Will just finished his regular season championship baseball games and was selected to the all star team and we start the games the first week of July or I would go with him and be his spotter.

But I will get him a top notch spotter to help with the rifles and spot for him.

Hope we can make it work out. It would be GREAT to break bread with Jeff and make one of his "Bucket List" deals pan out. We might could do our testing at HR. I think ?? - I could get that worked out too.

Hi Charles, I'm not out a here ,yet..Yes i got the email from BillS, as always he is a real stand up guy .. He has offered freely over the years his friendship,his advice and yes even his own guns ..A trip to the US to shoot with you guys is something i have always wanted to do .mabye next year, but it would have to be with my own equipment,certainly not an easy feat..I need to know how everything i use in Australia would fair against you guys and your guns ,regardless ,win, lose or draw.. We live in times of hope ,i'm keepin mine up..Thanks for the contact..JR..Jeff Rogers