Jackie Schmidt


mike southard

Just got off the phone with Jackie. He told me its worse than the news reports!!! Trees down everywhere, lots of people lost there roofs and homes. He is living in his motor home and supplying power for five of the houses near him. His shop has power in one of the buildings because its on the same power grid as a police station. Lost all of the doors on his shops, but they be up and running tomorrow. Told me he's very sore from running a a large chain saw. He also told me that he will probably start getting fat because him and his neighbors are cleaning out their freezers and cooking out every night. He is in very good spirits, Says you can't whip a Texan.
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HOOORAAaaawwwwww!! I'm proud of him, looks like he did the right thing turning back home. How do you think he'd a' felt coming back home from that match to this? ;)

Good to hear an update.

thank you

Some of my Buds on the AR forum are eating a lot of protein every night. Burning a lot of charcoal and propane. Some of them have big Gensets, but can't get enough fuel for them. Lucky the weather is not as hot as normal. I believe that electricity is spotty.
My niece and nephew had a big tree on their house, lost their new Dodge diesel hauler to a tree{no big loss] and lost 2 barns. Said they saved all the horses.
Good to hear that he is in good spirits and not hurt ... I have been wondering about Jackie since I saw the damage on the news...