Ivy Rod Question



I planning to purchase an Ivy cleaning rod for my 64MPR. I have two questions. 1.) What rod diamater is correct for the MPR? ( .187 or .203)
2.) I plan to get a one piece rod. How much longer should the rod be than the barrell length. (64MPR barrell is 25.5 inches)

The proper rod guide is very important as well. If you get the .187, make sure you get the proper jag from him as well.
Rod Size

Will either size .187 / .203 work? If so, what are the pros/cons of one over the other.
Again Both

It's a personal preference, so I use the .187, 42" long. The Rod Guide i got from Allen Hall. It has inserts for both size rods. With the use of tuners, the longer rod will allow you to remove the patches and jag if you wish before pulling it back thru the barrel.
I would recommend the smaller rod because the Anschutz ejector kinda sticks up in the way of the cleaning rod & will score a 22 size rod. You might check mwerkes.com for bore guides & rod recommendations, and RimfireCentral is a great place for Anschutz info.
I use Ivy rods because you don't need an adapter for a standard 22 jag in his .187 rods. All the other rods (Dewey, Bore Tech) for 17-20 cal. take a 5-40 thread jag. Denny will thread his .187 rod for the standard 8-32 22 cal. jag. Hole/threads have to be perfectly centered. Denny takes the time to do it right. I have three Ivy rods. All 44"
Rod Size

Thanks for elaborating on the benefits of the smaller diameter rods. I've deffinetley decided to go with the Ivy rods.

I would be intirested in opinions / reasons to go with a particular style jag.

Thanks for all the great feedback.
I like Denny's 1-pc. rods, but if you mess up the end somehow, it may be totaled. Other than that, I've been most pleased with Wick's jags, now from Lapa Shooter Supply in Montana.
I've been ordering mine from Denny with integral jags. One less thing for me to forget when i head to the range.

I have a 64 and use a proshot stainless 42 in . Dont know the diameter but it was for .22
Rod Decision

After all the great advice I went with a single piece .187 Ivy with the 1 inch diamater handel. I also got the jags from Ivy. I also went with the Mwerks guide. Thanks to everyone for sharing your knowledge.