Ivy base?



Has anyone worked out the use of the Ivy adjustable base or their adjustable rings for F Class? I think their system just needs a Zero Stop to be the ultimate answer. Thoughts???? Overbore
Ivy 150 MOA

I have the Ivy 150 MOA rings on my 1,000 yd./ One Mile HG. The only problem I have is that I need a magnifing glass to see the micrometer
marks. And, they are under the scope which makes it awkward for me.
Maybe some one with better eyes might not have the same problems.:(

of yours are about the same as mine. It appears to me that this system is basically sound but we need something like a Tactical Knob maker to , pardon the pun [ but cant resist] "come up" with a click stop type modification in which under low light the shooter could click down to the( adjustable) zero then just listen to the up clicks as in the old Redfiield iron rear sights. Anyone reading this who has the ability to make this happen? The Ivy adjustable base is the ideal vehicle for one unit to work well as it only requires one knob. Many thanks, Overbore
I have the 150moa base that looks like a picatinny rail and then you add your rings on top. I needed this one to clear my barrel block on my HG. Everything works fine and I must be a little younger as I can still read the marks on the thimble. Mine returns to zero everytime but I can see the zero. I had my gun sighted in for the world open at Williamsport this summer when a friend came over and saw my rifle sitting there and he ask what the mount was used for and I reached over and started to turn it up to show him and then it was too late. I turned it back to zero and my first sighter shot was a 10. I say the mount works just as he said it would. It also enabled me to reach 3k in South Dakota on praire dogs this year.
Majic Words!!

Sir, my compliments as , Groucho once said weekly, "You have just said the majic words" barrel blocks and Ivy base. Since you have just verified that the return to zero function works, can you please tell us if the zero is adjustable? If not, could it be made so?

As to barrel blocks, I have been a proponent for long time and have used a maker who has made three vented blocks for me similar to the 2003 LG winners.:):):):):) Cordially, Overbore