It's raining now . . .


Joe Haller

The snow is melting, and our first match of the season is scheduled for tomorrow.

Might heat up to 49 degrees by afternoon and we have a 50% chance of RAIN, not snow.

The smart Yoopers UP here will probably stay home by the fire. Tomorrow morning we will be able to count the guys who have not thawed out yet, and still have ice in their blood.

Last Tuesday evening we had our first practice and 11 shooters turned out. BUT: The sun was shining and it was almost 60 degrees. We'll know who the panty waists are tomorrow.

The smart Yoopers UP here will probably stay home by the fire.

Hey Joe, I've been accused of being alot of things, but never smart!

Today was the first time I've ever shot BR in any caliber and I have to say I had a really great time! Thank you for setting up my rifle so well and for getting me started. I'm already really hooked on this rim fire bench rest shooting and on my new Suhl rifle!

Also, thanks for taking my bolt home to clean. I'll bet that I have no more problems with misfires after you get done with the bolt.

I'm looking forward to next Tuesday.

Thanks again,

Sunday at the CCSA range was not warm but is was an excellent shooting day.

The winds behaved very well. The ground was wet... a couple inches wet.

I shot 250 on my second target-my second 250 in a match in about 5 yrs of shooting.