It is B. S. To measure 30 Cal groups vs 6ppc in a group match


mike in co

having read several posts over the last several weeks on the need to "level the playing field" the light finally came on.
we need to FIX group so the 30's can compete on a "level playing field". to that end , i suggest that both organizations ammend thier group measuring rules to reduce all 30 cal groups by 0.130. (that is outside edge to outside of 30 reduced to outside edge of 243 x2).
this SIMPLE change will allow the poor unskilled 30 shooter to shoot on a level playing field the the king of all benchrest rounds, the mighty 6PPC.
i would think that so many 6ppc shooters see the need to level the playing field in score, that getting the same done in group would be a no brainer.

mike in co
I can't imagine any scorer at a BR match not having the proper scoring device with 22, 6mm and 30 reticles on it. I have complete confidence that River Bend's scorer is properly measuring my 30BR's groups.
You can't compare the relationship of group shooting (precision) to score shooting (accuracy) between 30 cal and 6mm. Accuracy or the ability to hit the X is not the same as precision, i.e., the ability to repeat. Precision or group shooting has no effect with the caliber shot (it's the deviation from zero). Whereas accuracy or score shooting is impacted by the size of the bullet hole as compared to the X.
what are you talking about ???? Go back to playing with your ARs..