It’s Official! New World Record Set!


Rick Graham
Just got word from Jeff Yost that he got his targets back from the measurement committee and it’s official… In our Unlimited shoot at Tacoma this year Jeff shot an officially measured .1808, 10 shot, 5 group, 100 yd, unlimited class aggregate! Congratulations Jeff! Just to emphasize… these are 10 shot groups!

This record was previously held by Tony Boyer at .1945 shot in the year 2000.

Rick Graham
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Way to go Jeff Yost!

Our good buddy, Dr. Jeff has been shooting extremely well for some time now. He is a tough competitor that brings great deal of analytical thinking and focus to the line, especially at 100yds. It has been fun watching him this season, pick his way through the conditions in the second relay at Tacoma. His groups are remarkably consistent both in size and placement. One can stack Jeff’s targets and see daylight through the tiny groups he shoots.

With Jeff’s record now safely in the books, we look forward to the results of the other Tacoma submissions to the records committee. There are number of other great West Coast shooters who deserve the recognition for their fine performances this season.

Congratulations to Jeff and the others who are waiting for the official word.

Mustafa Bilal
Didn't make it

My range measured .185 agg. had an offical measurement of .2009. This is about the same difference as Jeffs range measurement was. However it was certainly the best agg. I have ever shot. (10 shot 100). Turns out it probably dosen't matter that my last days agg. targets were lost as it was only a .146 agg.

It was a great match and three great days of trigger pulling. The next week at Reno I won with a .393 agg. Same amount of fun. Don
Sorry to hear that Don

Whether it makes the books or not, for all of us who witnessed the results of that long weekend and shared in the shooting and fun, the outcome is etched in our memories. As always, we’ll just have to exceed last year’s results with next year’s performance. And that’s what makes BR what it is.

Shooting on the same bench and sharing the same base showed it was definently the man behind it. Congradulations Jeff; I look forward to our times together.
