Isabella County Sportsmans Club Winn, MI

Dick Wright

New member
The club (ICSC) will have it's last egg shoot of 2016 Sunday, the 25th. It starts at 2 PM. It's a good idea to get there early to get registered, set up equipment, etc.

The course of fire is... you shoot at 15 eggs at 100 yds. in three relays of five eggs each. Ties are broken by shooting at a smaller target.

I've shot in these as often as I could for a couple of years now and they are fun. This is for rimfires and this year they are allowing me to shoot my 17 HMR. Hitting the egg with a .17 is spectacular... instead of the egg just breaking, it disappears in a yellow mist.

ICSC has concrete benches and a nice, well-kept range. They usually get a good turn-out for these shoots. The only downside... I'm probably going to miss the Lions game.

Google "Isabella County Sportsmans Club". Click on "Ranges" for more info. The club is just West of Mt. Pleasant, roughly in the center of the lower pennisula. Mt. Pleasant is a college town, home of Central Michigan University who kicked Okahoma State's butt a couple of weeks ago.

Dick Wright