Isabella County Match Results


Al Walewski
Fifteen competitors braved the inclement weather to participate in Isabella County Sportsman's Club inaugural Benchrest Match. The morning segment, a 300 yard groups match results are;

In VFS Class
1st. Dominic Grunas .4523" agg
2nd. Pat Canning .5361" agg
3rd. Ron Breedlove .5403" agg

Small group was Dominic Grunas .724"

In Factory Class
1st. Jim Wilcox .7607" agg
2nd. Dan Cascatt .8072" agg
3rd. Al Sisco 1.0328" agg

After a lunch break a 200 yard Score Match was held and the results are;

VFS Class
1st. Dominic Grunas 244-4X
2nd. Dan Groleau 244-2X
3rd. Bob Scarbrough Jr. 243-3X

In Factory Class
Jim Wilcox 228-1X
Al Sisco 174-0X

The Grand winner is Dominic Grunas.

Congratulations to Don and Jim on some fine shooting!

A special thanks to Steve Robbins for an outstanding job preparing the range for this event, and to his lovely wife Marge for her work getting the food prepared and feeding a bunch of hungry competitors.

The full results are included in the attachment.

Al Walewski


  • 300 Yard Group Results.pdf
    21.8 KB · Views: 242
  • 200 Yard Score Results.pdf
    3.6 KB · Views: 248
You have no idea...

how tough the conditions were. It was rainy, muddy, with strong switchy winds and darn cold. My compliments to anyone who even started the day, let alone finished it.

Dom just wiped everyone else out.

After everything was over, several of us repaired to the Judge's Bench, a bar in nearby Winn, MI. It was warm inside, the food was good, the waitress friendly and, by the time we were done, the sun had come out.
