Is 541x a good base to build on?



Or would I be money ahead to just get an anschutz or other high end .22? I am thinking of having mine rebarreled and the action worked over, but on the other hand I might just have the barel cut to 20 in and use it as a squirrl gun trainer etc and get someting a little more high end.
An opinion

I picked up Remington 541X from CMP last year, and had Brian Voeker rework the trigger (he did a real nice job). The 541X's trigger, unlike the 541T's is not adjustable. Even once Brian gave me a decent trigger the gun just wasn't very accurate. I have a much older Remington 513T, beat all to hell, I got from CMP which shoots rings around the 541X. Now remember, this is just one persons opinion. Others may love the 541X, I'm just not one of them. If you're looking for a starter gun with good accuracy I'd go with the Remington 40X's, Winchester 52C's or D's, or Anchutz's with the 54 action. These are guns that if you outgrow them you can have them accurized, or sell them for close to what you paid for them.
A friend accurized one and had to set the barrel back to get it square. Unless you want to collect CMP rifles or use it to plink, I'd sell it and buy a new or used Anschutz.
