Iredell Gun Club first IR 50 50 shoot 10/18/2014

704 reese

New member
Thr Iredell Gun Club will host their first IR 50 50 shoot on Oct 18 2014. The match will begain at 9 am, It will be a double 3 gun club match.we have 6 benches, lunch will be provided. The address is 166 Gun Club Rd Stoney Point NC 28678. For more info call 704-310-6790.
Thank You and Results

I would like to think all the shooter who came out to shoot at our club. Hope everyone had a good time.
Match 1
Sporter 1-Ken Camper 250 13 X
2-Mike Cameron 249 15 X
3-John Gatton 248 13 X
10.5 LB 1-Johnny Orfield 250 17 X
2-Harvey Reese 249 11 X
3-Ken Camper 248 15 X
13.5 LB 1-Dexter Bumgarner 249 16 X
2-Mike Cameron 249 15 X
3- Barry Harris 249 13 X
Match 2
Sporter 1-Mike Cameron 249 16 X
2-Ken Camper 247 16 X
3-Dexter Bumgarner 247 11 X
10.5 LB 1-Mike Cameron 250 11 X
2-Johnny Orfield 249 20 X
3-Ken Camper 249 18 X
13.5 LB 1-Ken Camper 250 14 X
2-Mike Cameron 249 18 X
3-Allen Stigall 249 17 X