IR5050 Website

As everyone knows the website has been completley rebuilt. Yes, it has been and still i a process. Hall of Fame points are still real, and still being earned. I know some have shown concern that they are gone and nothing to shoot for, and they are still here and available. I work with the webmaster every week on some type of progress. Some of this progress is must need information but is not seen on the outside. Please bear with us and it will happen. My webmaster is a one man show who has several sites to take care fo and a family, he is doing his best I promise.

Also to try to help answer some questions on how list points are calculated....
The List is a point based ranking system that determines the top USRA-IR50/50 competitors across the United States. The Factory, Sporter, 3-Gun and Unlimited Lists are contested on a yearly basis within a specific time frame, called The List Season. The List Season is January 1st through December 31st for both indoor and outdoor. Competitors are awarded Match Points every time they compete at a designated List sanctioned match within The List season. Match Points are based of the otal number of shooters and the place a shooter finishes in the match agg, and then Calculated into list points.(see below) ListPoints are based on the List Calculation below. Two match points per shooter are awarded when a competitor competes at a Club Tournamnet, State, Regional, and National Championships.
Each Club can designate up to 12 List Matches and 2 Club Tournaments within the List Season. If a Club does not designate Club Tournaments, IR5050 administration will select 2 dates from supplied club schedule for club tournaments to maximize List Points.

The following are the List Championship titles contested:
• Sporter Match List Champion
• Factory Match List Champion
• The 3-Gun List Champion
• The Unlimited List Champion

List Point Calculation

A= Match Points (Match Points are earned at : List Matches 1 point per participant, Ex. 10 shooters first place agg gets 10 Match Points, Club Tournament, State, Regional, and National Matches is 2 points per participant.
B=Matches Attended
D= Distinct Ranges( # of different ranges participated)
F= Square Root of E
G=Agg Score.Agg X/B
H=F*G List Points
Total=Square Root of H

List Points will be used for Club Champion (This repalced SOTY) and State Champion per Class List Points earned at a specific club will determine the Club Champion List Points earned in each state will determine the State Champion

Club Champion has replaced the SOTY and earns same HOF points as SOTY. The addition of the State Cahmpion has made more HOF points available.

The List on the website is almost complete. the visible issue at the momnet is the displayed number of matches, they are not correct, however the points earned are. It is currently displaying a participants total number of matches reagrdless of class. To qualiy for national list a shooter must have 10 matches, 7 for State, and 4 for Club. With all thsi said some people are showing on the list but have not actually shot enough of that classes macthes. Once this is fixed, the next thing will be to upload the HOF table and the World Records table. AFter this will be the scoreline.

I appologize this has been a process, but it is all for the good.Thank you and Happy Shooting
Good to see you addressing some of the most asked questions Jason. Perhaps you could use this thread to comment in the future when certain issues are resolved so competitors can view shooter data and ranking place. I will continue to support IR50/50, as I have for several years now. As a new MD for the sanctioning body, you have provided very good support to me in regards to the new scoring program and various other recent changes. I do appreciate your help!

Best regards,
Scott A. Albury
Chiel City Shooters
Just north of Pontiac, IL

edit: I have printed your opening statements here and will have them with me at both IR clubs I shoot to help with better explanations when competitors ask questions.
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As everyone knows the website has been completley rebuilt. Yes, it has been and still i a process. Hall of Fame points are still real, and still being earned. I know some have shown concern that they are gone and nothing to shoot for, and they are still here and available. I work with the webmaster every week on some type of progress. Some of this progress is must need information but is not seen on the outside. Please bear with us and it will happen. My webmaster is a one man show who has several sites to take care fo and a family, he is doing his best I promise.

Also to try to help answer some questions on how list points are calculated....
The List is a point based ranking system that determines the top USRA-IR50/50 competitors across the United States. The Factory, Sporter, 3-Gun and Unlimited Lists are contested on a yearly basis within a specific time frame, called The List Season. The List Season is January 1st through December 31st for both indoor and outdoor. Competitors are awarded Match Points every time they compete at a designated List sanctioned match within The List season. Match Points are based of the otal number of shooters and the place a shooter finishes in the match agg, and then Calculated into list points.(see below) ListPoints are based on the List Calculation below. Two match points per shooter are awarded when a competitor competes at a Club Tournamnet, State, Regional, and National Championships.
Each Club can designate up to 12 List Matches and 2 Club Tournaments within the List Season. If a Club does not designate Club Tournaments, IR5050 administration will select 2 dates from supplied club schedule for club tournaments to maximize List Points.

The following are the List Championship titles contested:
• Sporter Match List Champion
• Factory Match List Champion
• The 3-Gun List Champion
• The Unlimited List Champion

List Point Calculation

A= Match Points (Match Points are earned at : List Matches 1 point per participant, Ex. 10 shooters first place agg gets 10 Match Points, Club Tournament, State, Regional, and National Matches is 2 points per participant.
B=Matches Attended
D= Distinct Ranges( # of different ranges participated)
F= Square Root of E
G=Agg Score.Agg X/B
H=F*G List Points
Total=Square Root of H

List Points will be used for Club Champion (This repalced SOTY) and State Champion per Class List Points earned at a specific club will determine the Club Champion List Points earned in each state will determine the State Champion

Club Champion has replaced the SOTY and earns same HOF points as SOTY. The addition of the State Cahmpion has made more HOF points available.

The List on the website is almost complete. the visible issue at the momnet is the displayed number of matches, they are not correct, however the points earned are. It is currently displaying a participants total number of matches reagrdless of class. To qualiy for national list a shooter must have 10 matches, 7 for State, and 4 for Club. With all thsi said some people are showing on the list but have not actually shot enough of that classes macthes. Once this is fixed, the next thing will be to upload the HOF table and the World Records table. AFter this will be the scoreline.

I appologize this has been a process, but it is all for the good.Thank you and Happy Shooting


Thank you for the post. You have answered many questions that I hear at every match.

World Records and Hall of Fame Point totals through 2022 have been added to be viewed.

Current factory world records are as follows
Barry Harris single card yards record 250-18X
Barry Harris 3 target agg yards 747-50X

Match results will be updated tomorrow 7/9/23. With the holiday and a lot of family events happening in and out of town results we’re not posted last week.

One more fix the the lists and they will be finally functioning correctly. The only change left is the correct match counts. Then they should be functioning 100%. Also remember to qualify for the national list you must shoot at least 10 matches of that match type. 7 for state and 4 for club.



The Match Results still need work for them to be useful. There are a handful of issues but the two main ones that I think need a hard look at are:

1. Identifying target winners. Currently the results seem to be sorted by Agg winners with all other results being displayed according to the AGG standings. So, for instance, finding who might have won any target involves going down each column and figuring it out on your own. Not user friendly. I see 2 options for fixing this. The best one would be being to click on the header for any ranking column (TGT1, TGT2, TGT3... 2 Gun, AGG score, etc. to sort the standings for each.


Do it the way ARA does it and highlight the Target winner for each target.

Obviously, option 1 is more complicated to script but would give a lot more useful information.

2. Currently, any Nationals Results runs out of screen space at Target 4 so no info (including Nationals WInner) is ever displayed.

Thanks for your work on getting the site moving forward.

Bruce Hornstein

The Match Results still need work for them to be useful. There are a handful of issues but the two main ones that I think need a hard look at are:

1. Identifying target winners. Currently the results seem to be sorted by Agg winners with all other results being displayed according to the AGG standings. So, for instance, finding who might have won any target involves going down each column and figuring it out on your own. Not user friendly. I see 2 options for fixing this. The best one would be being to click on the header for any ranking column (TGT1, TGT2, TGT3... 2 Gun, AGG score, etc. to sort the standings for each.


Do it the way ARA does it and highlight the Target winner for each target.

Obviously, option 1 is more complicated to script but would give a lot more useful information.

2. Currently, any Nationals Results runs out of screen space at Target 4 so no info (including Nationals WInner) is ever displayed.

Thanks for your work on getting the site moving forward.

Bruce Hornstein
There will be something to show target winners. Highlighting will probably be the option.

Natioanls can be seen there is a sideways scroll bar at the bottom. In understand not cenvenient, but usable. Will work out the viewing changes after getting the list, scoreline, and ahll of fame calculations for 2023. appreciate the feedback and will fix the issues.
There will be something to show target winners. Highlighting will probably be the option.

Natioanls can be seen there is a sideways scroll bar at the bottom. In understand not cenvenient, but usable. Will work out the viewing changes after getting the list, scoreline, and ahll of fame calculations for 2023. appreciate the feedback and will fix the issues.

Could you also identify the "state" on the schedule page by the club's name and also put google map directions to each club on the club page? Thanks
