IR5050 Team Challenge at Unlimited Nationals- Kettlefoot


Start getting your “Dream Team” together for the inaugural Team Challenge at this year’s IR5050 Unlimited Nationals at Kettlefoot! This is a new event. IR5050 Unlimited Nationals will shoot Yards and Meters Saturday July 15 and the Team Challenge will be held the following morning on Sunday July 16. You can shoot just the Team Challenge on Sunday if you choose.

Wayne will be posting more details about this new event but it’s not too early to make your plans and get your team together.

Teams will be made up of two shooters. Three UNLIMITED targets will be shot at 50 Yards for each shooter. Teams will draw for benches and then for relay. Teams will rotate 10 benches. The teams’ combined Score and X-Count will determine place of finish.

Entry Fee is $200 per team. $25 of that will go for Club and Sanctioning Fees and Target Costs and the remainder will make up the Cash Prize Pool. Depending on how many teams shoot the match Wayne might amend the payout distribution.

There is the potential of some nice payouts. Top 5 finishing teams will be paid. Payout from the Prize Pool will be:
1st Place 40%
2nd Place 25%
3rd Place 15%
4th Place 10%
5th Place 5%

This is a sanctioned IR5050 Yards match so individual points will be awarded as per IR50/50 Rules.

Bruce H.
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The Va State 3-Gun and Sporter Match is over and the results are on the IR50/50 Web Site. Ketllefoot is now getting ready for the Unlimited Nationals and Team Challenge July15 and 16th. Several teams have already let it be known they are ready to shoot. Come on out and shoot in July.