IR5050 Piney Hill Mid-Atlantic Regionals-3Gun January 21&22


Piney Hill will host the Indoor IR5050 Regional 3Gun this weekend. The weather looks quite safe at this point- low to mid 50s!

The range will be open for practice Friday.

Yards start at 9:00 am Saturday. We will break for lunch and if there's interest we will have a money match in the afternoon. Food won't be provided but we'll have adequate time between the morning match and the money match to get out and grab something.

Meters will be Sunday morning. We usually take a vote on Saturday to see if shooters want to start at 8:00 instead of 9:00.

Piney Hill will host the Indoor IR5050 Regional 3Gun this weekend. The weather looks quite safe at this point- low to mid 50s!

The range will be open for practice Friday.

Yards start at 9:00 am Saturday. We will break for lunch and if there's interest we will have a money match in the afternoon. Food won't be provided but we'll have adequate time between the morning match and the money match to get out and grab something.

Meters will be Sunday morning. We usually take a vote on Saturday to see if shooters want to start at 8:00 instead of 9:00.


Is there a reason we could not shoot the meters on Saturday and save travelers a second over night stay?


First and foremost, I am not management speaking.

The underlying issue is time. First - all 3-gun cards are 30 min long. That adds 10 min extra to unlimited or ARA shoots cards. Another 1/2 hour for 3 cards and hour for 6 cards.

To the crux of the issue. If you know that we will only have one relay then it may be a feasible idea. Allow reasonable time to move all the targets back from 50 yards to 50 meters - lets say 45 min to an hour break between yards and meters. You can squeeze that in one day with one and only one relay. I feel we all would all be on the road by 3 - 4 PM or so.

Now consider the planning issue to consider if Bruce has to run 2 (I will not even suggest 3) relays - Which isn't a solid 17 shooters - need to consider the bench allocation issue with lefties it will present a real time crunch/issue. You will not get out of there until it is well after dark if they have to shoot two relays and both yards and meters. You more than likely be too late for people to make the drive anyway.

It is up to Bruce to make the decision, but if we have only enough shooters for one relay, then I could see it could come up for a vote if people would want to shoot meters that afternoon and then depart town. We will not know know that until the morning of the event.

Bottom line is that we cannot plan on minimal participation in having one and only one relay.


First and foremost, I am not management speaking.

The underlying issue is time. First - all 3-gun cards are 30 min long. That adds 10 min extra to unlimited or ARA shoots cards. Another 1/2 hour for 3 cards and hour for 6 cards.

To the crux of the issue. If you know that we will only have one relay then it may be a feasible idea. Allow reasonable time to move all the targets back from 50 yards to 50 meters - lets say 45 min to an hour break between yards and meters. You can squeeze that in one day with one and only one relay. I feel we all would all be on the road by 3 - 4 PM or so.

Now consider the planning issue to consider if Bruce has to run 2 (I will not even suggest 3) relays - Which isn't a solid 17 shooters - need to consider the bench allocation issue with lefties it will present a real time crunch/issue. You will not get out of there until it is well after dark if they have to shoot two relays and both yards and meters. You more than likely be too late for people to make the drive anyway.

It is up to Bruce to make the decision, but if we have only enough shooters for one relay, then I could see it could come up for a vote if people would want to shoot meters that afternoon and then depart town. We will not know know that until the morning of the event.

Bottom line is that we cannot plan on minimal participation in having one and only one relay.


Thanks for the response. There was a time we may have had multi relays for three gun matches but have you checked the adverage attendance for the last three years?
How about we plan to shoot yards and meters on Saturday unless we do get multiple relays rather than assuming we will. If only one relay its only 4 -4 1/2 hrs and we are done. We can always hold it over to Sunday if we need to. As we have seen in most two day IR 50/50 matches many shooters don't come back for the second day. If this were unlimited it may be a different story.
Take a look at all three gun matches last year and how many of them had more than 17 shooters.

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Is there a reason we could not shoot the meters on Saturday and save travelers a second over night stay?


Yes, several. They were all presented to members/shooters at the December match and the decision was arrived at by consensus.

Every match has scheduling benefits for some and detriments to others and each shooter has to make their own decisions about attending. As I've mentioned in other threads re-working schedules for the convenience of a few shooters has no upside.

If this schedule doesn't work for you perhaps we'll see you at the Nationals in March.
Yes, several. They were all presented to members/shooters at the December match and the decision was arrived at by consensus.

Every match has scheduling benefits for some and detriments to others and each shooter has to make their own decisions about attending. As I've mentioned in other threads re-working schedules for the convenience of a few shooters has no upside.

If this schedule doesn't work for you perhaps we'll see you at the Nationals in March.


Thanks for the response. I must have missed the December meeting so I did not know all this had already been discussed.

See you Friday.
The problem is the "Money Match"!
If they would shoot it on Sunday then it would be easy to shoot Yards & Meters on Saturday even with 2 Relays.

Is there a reason we could not shoot the meters on Saturday and save travelers a second over night stay?
