IR50/50 Results


Mrs. IR50/50

Hello All:

Results for the following matches are now up on the IR50/50 website:

South Georgia BR GA 6/9/2012 SOTY 3Gun & Unlimited

Salem P&R Club NY 6/10/2012 SOTY 3Gun & Unlimited

Tremont Sportsmans Club IL 6/9/2012 SOTY 3Gun

Holbrook Sportsmens Club MA 6/9/2012 SOTY Unlimited

Kettlefoot Gun Club VA 6/9/2012 State 3Gun

I also fixed the May 5 results for Gateway R & P Club, which were incorrectly posted as an Unlimited match instead of 3Gun.

Pete: Looks like you guys had a nice match sun. at Salem. Some good scores! Ken, 250-19 way to go! Wish I could have been there. Had the chance to spend the day with my little grand daughter.....their only little for a short while "then they gwow up"........ :( Ed.