IR50/50 Match Results...


New member
Sigh...Here we go again. Wilbur, can you please update the match results? Or at least post an explanation as to why they aren't being done as efficiently as they were earlier in the season.
Todd Banks
It is my understanding that Wilbur had a MAJOR Server crash on Monday.
It is My Guess after watching his websites slowly come back to life this week that he might have lost his most recent backup in the crash and is having to reconstruct his websites ‘by hand’ which could take awhile.
IR 50/50 board

Doug, I appreciate your input and if this true, we're in for a long wait. I know he has a hard job(s) but I feel like mushroom- in the dark, however not being fed you know what. I would really like to hear his side.
Bob Pekaar
I see where some match results have been added. Wilber - please update the scorelines and fix the problem where the Sporter National's Agg was added to the sporter scoreline. That throws off the entire ranking. Thanks.