IR50/50 Indoor sporter and 3 gun Nationals coming next weekend


bob finger

IR50/50 Indoor sporter and 3 gun Nationals this coming weekend

Piney Hill bench rest club will host the 2012 IR50/50 indoor sporter nationals on Friday March 23, the 3 gun indoor nationals, yards on Saturday March 24 and 3 gun indoor nationals, meters on Sunday March 25. Start time each day is 9:00, so be there not later than 8:30 to sign in and draw benches.

Bill Hinegardner told me this year he is awarding trophies to the winners. Something new to shoot for.

Piney Hill is a converted turkey barn located near Luray VA in beautiful Page County VA. We have 18 benches and plenty of room for cleaning/storage. Lunch will be available for a nominal fee each day.

I plan on arriving about noon on Wednesday March 21 and will be there all day on March 22 for those wishing to arrive early and practice. Please PM me if you have questions.

Detailed directions can be found here:

Turn into the farm lane directly opposite the driveway to the B&B. We are the building further from the road with the PortaJohns in front. We hope to see lots of shooters! bob
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Bob ,

You got the dates right , but it's not next weekend . Weekend after next . I do that all the time too. - Clint
Clint: I'm trying to learn me some patience. Hang tight and very soon it will be next week. bob
Clint: Rumor has it you are coming to the indoor nats NEXT weekend (not this coming weekend) with your ammo stash. Can you confirm, please. bob
Bob ,

Yes Sir , Lord willing that's the plan. Hope to see you there. -CS
Hey Bob,
I plan on being there. I think the 200 year old man will as well.