IR50/50 in Washington



Quite a feat - IR50/50 in Washington

Did anyone notice the results of the 3-gun event at Capitol City R & P Club – 06/03/17 in Littlerock, WA?

Oregon shooter Dennis DiFeo pulled off what I think is a remarkable feat. He shot a 250/18x in Sporter! Then, he used his Sporter in the 10.5 class and shot a 250/13x ! Then, he shot his Sporter again in the 13.5 class and shot a 250/14x!
He shot an overall 750/ 45x WITH HIS SPORTER! I think he may have an unlimited gun for sale?? ;-)

Congrats to Dennis on a great day at the range. And, to top it off, he is a super nice guy.
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Congratulations Dennis on some fine shooting!
Would have been a World Record had it been in a sporter match!!
