IR50/50 California State Championship


We held the IR50/50 California State Championship match this last Saturday, and while still dealing with light turnout do to Covid 19 issues and people reluctant to travel we did have 11 shooters come out (including one who made the trip down from Oregon) to battle the infamous wind currents of the Ione Triangle.

The State match is shot at both 50 yards, and 50 meters 3-cards at each distance.
We started out in the morning with milder then usual (for us) conditions cool temps and just enough breeze to make the tails twitchy.

Card 1 was reflective of the mild conditions with Dennis DiFeo (the afore mentioned Oregonian) shooting a 249 with a very impressive 21x’s, 2nd was Greg Wilson with a 249 17x and Pierre Bigras with a 249-14x took 3rd.
Card 2 was another battle of the 249’s Francis Lee taking 1st with 17x’s, Pierre 2nd with 14x’s and Greg 3rd with 9x’s.
Card 3 again had the top three all with 249’s, (I’m detecting a trend) with Henry Pinkney taking 1st with 17x’s, match director Dan Lutke finally waking up to pop 15x’s beating 3rd place finisher Dennis DiFeo’s 15 on the first miss tiebreaker 24/6

3 card Agg results for the 50 Yard California State Championship are as follows:
1st: Greg Wilson 746-45x
2nd: Pierre Bigras 746-44x
3rd: Francis Lee 746-41x
High X count went to Dennis DiFeo with an impressive 50 X’s!

We then moved the frames back to 50 meters to start the second half of the Championship. The infamous conditions of the Ione Triangle began to rear their ugly head and started to act more like their normal switchy, reversing, velocity changing selves. (Have I mentioned how much I love our the winds on our range?) I digress…

Card 1 was taken by Pierre with a nice 249-12x, 2nd by Dennis with a 248-14x, and 3rd Greg with a 247-14x.
Card 2 was won by Francis with a 248-10x, Match Director Dan starting to heat up taking 2nd with a 248-7x and Pierre 3rd with a 245-9x.
Card 3 was shot under some very tricky conditions but if you were patient (not my strong suit) you could find the 10 ring. It turned out to be a battle between Dan & Dennis both with very nice 249’s. Dan taking 1st with 13x’s just edging out Dennis with 11. Pierre was a distant 3rd with a 246-11x and no one else broke 244.

3 card Agg results for the 50 Meter California State Championship are as follows:

1st: Dan Lutke 741-29x
2nd: Dennis DiFeo 740-34x
3rd: Pierre Bigras 740-32x
High X count was Dennis with 34

The IR50/50 California State 50 Yard Champion is Greg Wilson
The IR50/50 California State 50 Meter Champion is Dan Lutke
Congratulations to both shooters!

We combine both the 50 Yard & 50 Meter results to determine the overall
California State Champion, the top 3 are as follows:

1st: Pierre Bigras 1486-76x
2nd: Dennis DiFeo 1485-84x (High X count)
3rd: Francis Lee 1483-68x

Congratulations to Pierre for winning the California State Championship, Pierre has been working hard at the Rimfire game for a while now and it certainly has paid off!!

I would like to thank Dan for running the matches and all the shooters who came to join the fun, hopefully everyone had a good time. Our next match is in December, until then be safe out there.
Full results attached



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