IR 5050 Unlimited Nationals at Fairchance



The IR 5050 Unlimited Nationals will be held at Fairchance Gun Club on June 20th & 21st. There will be practice on Friday June 19th with a Unlimited SOTY Match Friday Evening starting at 5:00 Pm for anyone interested. Starting time Saturday is 9:00 AM. Pre-registration is requested so we can determine the amount of food to prepare. Lunch will be in clubhouse Saturday and Sunday. If you have any question or to pre-register please call Bill at 724-323-5044

ir 5050 unlimited nationals at fairchance gun club june 20-21

well it's that time of year again. we're going to have
the ir 50/50 unlimited nationals at fairchance shortly.
we're going to have an unlimited 3 target soty match on
friday the 19th at 5pm, i spoke with clint he's coming up
and should be there all day friday and evening. the match
will be done by 7pm and there is usually some nice calm
conditions to test ammo around 7pm, it stays daylight until
around 930pm. so if people find some good lots there should
be some great scores shot on saturday and sunday. the matches
on saturday start at 9am. i'm not sure how many relays,
depends upon the shooters. i've been calling around for bench
door prizes and it looks pretty good so far, i have some more
calls to make tomorrow, but everyone has been fairly generous.
so far a half price certificate for a stiller action, i think four or five
half price on barrels, a stith rough stock and 100 dollars off on a pappas
rest and another 100 off on a peightal rough stock. thanks everyone
we really do appreciate it, i'll update the list as it grows. thanks.
wayne wills is buying a brick of eley match from clint swigert, winners choice of lots from clint.
hart barrels is doing a half barrel certificate.
that makes 1/2 barrels from hart, muller, shilen, benchmark, broughton and douglas.
100 dollar certificate on a laminate stock from masterclass stocks.
we have a 50% off an action from stiller manufacturing.
and any action from diorio manufacturing of your choice, 2 or 3 lug turbo.
and a stock from don stith rough blank.
100 dollars off a peightal stock blank.
and a hundred dollars off on a pappas rest from jessica.
some people are kinda tapped out for donations and i can understand that.
i still have a couple action manufacturers to get hold of. thanks everyone.
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we also have a jeff matthews knife that looks great
thanks jeff for the donation. jeff did this last year. very nice work.
and kelblys said to put them down for a hundred dollar gift certificate.
i've still got a couple people to call.
today i've got a harrells tuner coming, and a certificate
for a set of rings from allan hall. thanks guys, i guess
lynwood retired and his brothers son in law chris is
doing the work now. they said lynwood is still in and out
all day long.
gene davis just called and is giving us a certificate for 50 dollars
worth of goods or work at his shop. thanks gene.
I want to come but I don't know if my back will take the ride. I had back surgery May 11, 2015 and I am still recovering. In case I don't, thank you for all the effort that Fairchance Gun Club puts forth when holding a match. No better prizes in the game, no better food, no bigger challenge to shoot and no better friends to shoot beside.
Sam Saunders
thanks sam, don told me he didn't think you'd make it. hope you
get to feeling better soon. i'd give it a chance to heal there'll be
other matches. we'll miss you, you usually give a pretty good accounting
of yourself here too. we have a pretty good core group here.
i got the half price certificate from stiller and the 100 dollar certificate
from kelblys. thanks guys.
well we're ready when everyone else is. there will be target boards up friday morning.
i think clint's gonna be there bright and early friday morning. we have range boards up
all the time. in case you get here early.
well i've got all the certificates lined up. i just need to get
one from douglas barrels hopefully, and they'll all be covered.
tim north at broughton upped his to a full free barrel from a half.
thank you tim, that's very generous. i talked to clint he'll be there
in the morning along with clemmie.
we got the half off on the douglas barrel and two bricks
of tenex donated by john prince. thanks john and douglas barrels.
i was thinking we're going to have enough prizes, everyone
has a good chance of getting something. ken camper and bill buskey
and bob finger pulled up a little while ago. clint's all set up
and selling ammo, he has a lot of it. i just bought up my
allotment for the year from him.
the three target unlimited soty match went off well, a little twitchy winds finally
calmed down some on the last target. humidity was up to 88% really muggy at
times during the match, it drizzeled some rain for part of it. here's the scores,




and a pic of the mountain line to the east with the fog rising up through the trees after the rain.
unlimited ir 5050 nationals scores yards.
target 1

target 2

target 3

3 gun agg.

some great shooting by some great shooters. congratulations ken camper overall yards champion,
also congratulations to tony harper, bill buskey, and bob finger. nice shooting guys, the rain came
and went all day and the guys just shot through it.
some pics of the times no wind, then a little gust might get you. temps were around 76-80f humidty up to 90%.


then we had these little visitors, i guess they're called billbugs, they look just like a tick
but they're not. the wind was blowing them all over, i guess they're attracted to bright colors.
they were on the windflags, the target boards, on anything yellow especially.
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ir 5050 meters and final scores

ir 5050 unlimited meters and final score.

meters target one

meters target two

meters target three

meters 3 gun agg

6 gun agg and new ir 5050 unlimited champion 2015

congratulations bill buskey very good shooting in very tough at times
the door prize winners
1. stiller action coupon - gary hittie
2. harrel tuner - jerry rosenberger
3. benchmark barrel coupon - butch wahl
4. kelbley coupon - bob ashcraft
5. broughton barrel coupon - bill reahard
6. hart barrel coupon - jeff matthews
7. diorio action coupon - bruce hornstein
8. tenex brick from john prince - calvin trader
9. tenex brick from john prince - jeff cale
10. jeff matthews custon knife - ron uthus
11. cleaning cradle from carl boise - george donovan
12. jim peightal stock coupon -jim chrzaszcz
13. shelen barrel coupon - paul vobecky
14. pappas rest coupon - bill buskey
15, hall manufacturing rings coupon - ed bigley
16. muller barrel coupon - mike poole
17. brick of eley match from wayne wills - ken camper
18. don stith stock coupon - joe robinson
19. gene davis shop coupon - sherman white
20. master class stocks coupon - jack gauntz
21. douglas barrel coupoon - carl boise.

i'd like to thank all the donors of the gifts, we really do
appreciate it. i'd like also to thank jerry vansickle who
range mastered so i could shoot. bill reahard and steve
ganoe and gary hittie for covering the scoring. i think
saturday and sunday no protests were won. great scorers.
i'd like also to thank all the shooters who came out in what
looked to be a pretty miserable weekend, and it mostly was.
humidity was right at 85-90 percent both days with temps
in the 85-90f range and all the rain. today no rain but the
wind instead. i liked the rain better myself. and last thanks
wayne wills for making the long drive to visit us. i think he
said he and his wife are going to see the amish community
in pennsylvania and gettysburg before going home. i hope he
has a nice trip. i'm wore out, i'll send all the donors the names
of the prize winners tomorrow. we had twenty one eligible
prize winners and twenty one prizes, so everyone won something.
thanks bill reahard also for cooking up a couple good meals
it hit the spot. thank you all. jim chrzaszcz
oops i forgot thanks kenny rockwell who didn't shoot but helped me
putting out the target boards and getting them ready friday morning.
and thanks clint and clemmie for bringing us some good ammo.
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