If you are planning to compete at the IR 50/50 NATIONALS in the Sporter, 3 Gun, Factory or Unlimited Match class please leave your name and which classes you will be shooting.
We want to have an idea of attendance so we can support the match.
Looking forward to seeing you all.

Jerry Rosenberger

ps. DONT TELL ANYONE rumor of a money match 3 targets. I NEVER SENT THIS. ?
Jerry, please put me down for them all. Will the range be open on Thursday for any sort of practice? That would help decide my travel plan. Thanks
Keith Royal
Jerry, if you are using a different username on RA. I probably already answered over there. Sporter and 3-Gun.
Scott Albury

Please put me down for sporter, 3-gun, and unlimited. I also plan to shoot the 3, one target money matches Saturday afternoon.

I was going to make a separate post to tell newcomers just what shooting at Fairchance is all about. But I can put it here.

Fairchance is special, very special. It has a rich history for benchrest shooting both centerfire and rimfire. It is one of the largest (50-benches) ranges in the country. The history goes deep, all the way back to the days of the Pennsylvania long rifles.

Many, many stories have come from matches held at Fairchance. Some exciting and remarkable matches have been shot there.

I recall on my first trip to Fairchance two guys were arguing about two shooters. One said shooter "A" had won a state tournament. The other guy responded yea but shooter "B" won the Fairchance club tournament and that trumped it. When you win at Fairchance you have 15 more bragging rites than a win anywhere else.

On that same trip I learned another valuable lesson. This was an IR 50/50 Nationals. The wind was howling, and everyone was talking about how the scores would be low and no one expected to shoot very well. Kinda of depressing to be honest.

When the shooting started, we all did our best, but our hearts just wasn't into it.

Then I watched a guy from New York, I think his name was Busby.

He sat down at his bench, and he was strictly business. You could tell the wind and all the talk had not intimidated him. He was there to shoot and shoot he did. I think he won a class or two, but I don't think he won it all. But he changed my shooting forever. I have never allowed conditions to intimidate me since. If anything, it makes me try harder and be more determined. I never spoke to him about this I didn't have to. He gave me a gift that day that words alone could never have done.

Good things can happen at great places and Fairchance is a great place. Don't miss this shoot!!

The one target money matches Saturday afternoon were put on to help draw the ARA guys. The hope is you will show up and shoot the money matches and use them as warm ups for the unlimited Nationals on Sunday. This is your chance to shoot a great range, make a little money, and gain a lot of bragging rites. Hope to see many of you there.

Then I watched a guy from New York, I think his name was Busby.

He sat down at his bench, and he was strictly business. You could tell the wind and all the talk had not intimidated him. He was there to shoot and shoot he did. I think he won a class or two, but I don't think he won it all. But he changed my shooting forever. I have never allowed conditions to intimidate me since. If anything, it makes me try harder and be more determined. I never spoke to him about this I didn't have to. He gave me a gift that day that words alone could never have done.


I think you are right. I know he used to test new builds for Gordon Eck.

Yep……and you are sure right about Fairchance. First time I shot there my heart was in my mouth for a long, long, time.

Jerry, planning on shooting all three.
Tim Simbari
I would like to thank all the folks at Fairchance for all the hospitality & exceptionally run match..
A special thanks to Gary Hittle for enduring all three days running targets, scoring for the Sporter Nationals, all while having back troubles. Also to his wife for the incredible lunches.
To both of the Jerry’s for running the line & procuring sponsors .
I also thank all who attended, shooting or otherwise, & lent a hand.
As always thanks Vicki for taking another weekend away from life & doing an exceptional job scoring .
Thanks to ALL for the comradarie!
I would like to thank all the folks at Fairchance for all the hospitality & exceptionally run match..
A special thanks to Gary Hittle for enduring all three days running targets, scoring for the Sporter Nationals, all while having back troubles. Also to his wife for the incredible lunches.
To both of the Jerry’s for running the line & procuring sponsors .
I also thank all who attended, shooting or otherwise, & lent a hand.
As always thanks Vicki for taking another weekend away from life & doing an exceptional job scoring .
Thanks to ALL for the comradarie!

Echoing Keith's words above thank you all for a great experience, and all the shooters that made me feel so welcome at my first nationals match. I was happy to find everyone sharing techniques, equipment details and answering my unending list of questions. I learned a ton. Great bunch of people!

The wind, well that was a different story haha! She is a tricky one at Fairchance, even when light- it was a great feeling by day 3 to feel like I was really learning to shoot in various wind conditions (which were many and frequently changing).

It was great meeting everyone (and Keith!) and I look forward to seeing you all again.
"Stuart from New York" :)