IR 50/50 Nationals 4-6 Aug 2023


Well-known member
Not long now to the Nationals. If you haven't made your plans, there is still time.

For those that haven't shot Fairchance before you are in for a treat. It is one of the largest ranges in the country.

There are plenty of covered cleaning tables and parking. There is an air-conditioned club house with seating and indoor toilets.

The range shoots slightly downhill so bring something to jack up your rear rest. It is not an extreme angle, but you should be aware. Also bring a towel or something to block the sun in the mornings.

There are 50 benches so we should expect one relay for each event. We will shoot shoulder to shoulder. No worries about being placed on the second relay.

Speaking of the draw. You will draw your own bench; it will not be dictated to you.

I'm not sure how the match director will handle bench rotation but if you start on the left side of the range. Man, o man, all you will have to do is pick your hold spot and knock dots out.

If you draw the right side of the range, you will have nothing but clear open country to your right side. Nothing to deflect the wind patterns. Again, just find your hold spot and knock dots out.

If you draw the center of the range, you have the best of both worlds should be easy peasy.

Every kind of facility you may need is an easy drive from the range.

Good luck. Hope to see you there.

Thanks for the added info Tony, very helpful for us first timers!
Hope to meet you there,