IR 50/50 is shooting in NorCal!!


Well after a government imposed lockdown of our shooting facility for 2 months, (heavily influenced by our clubs attorney I'm sure) we are back up and running
and held our first rimfire match of the year this Saturday.
We had to follow all the county/state guidelines for social distancing and shot alternate benches/relays, asked the shooters to wear masks when not shooting, had a big ol jug of hand sanitizer, (cause God only knows where Henry's been), and I wore gloves when handling the target scoring.
All in all it went well, we did have a couple of people cancel because they didn't want to wear masks, but still had 10 hearty souls to brave the winds of the Ione Triangle.
We shoot 2 3-card matches and then total both for a Club Agg with a cash payout.
Conditions for Match #1 were mostly mild out of the west but the usual pickups and switches made for some tough shooting.
Match #1 was won running away by Match Director Dan(no I don't want to use my new barrel)Lutke with a nice 743 36x agg.
2nd place was Henry Pinkney with a 738 34x, Francis Lee taking 3rd with a 733 29x. Dan was high x count with 36.
Conditions got a little tougher for Match #2 with the west wind occasionaly switching/twitching from the south.
Match #2 was won by yours truly with a 740 34x (and I am shooting a new barrel) I used my new JGS Nevius reamer and it seems to like my current lot of Center X!
Dan Lutke was right on my tail with a 739 35x with Francis once again taking 3rd with a 736 29x.
The 6 card SBS Club agg was won by Dan Lutke with a very nice 1482 71x agg, with me a distant 2nd with a 1471 62x, Francis Lee right behind me in 3rd at 1469 58x.
I would like to thank all the shooters for conducting themselves like adults and Dan for running the match!
God it was great to shoot an actual competitive match again!:D:D
Full results attached.


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