IR 50/50 - 3 Gun and UL Match - Easthampton, MA - Sat. May 28th



The first SOTY matches of the year at Easthampton Fish & Game is this coming Saturday, May 28th.

Gates open and signup begins at 8:00 a.m.
3-Gun starts at 9:00 a.m.
Lunch provided.
UL match after lunch.

Looking forward to seeing everyone after a tough winter.
Best of luck to the air gunners who will at the qualification matches. You will be missed.


I would have loved to have been there, but as you said, I'll be one of those who will be trying to better my position for qualifying with my airguns instead for this month. Good luck to those of you who can make it, and hope to see everybody at Holbrook on the 19th.

Wish I could be there, but Kathy and I will be camping in the Adirondacks for the weekend. I'll see you in a couple of weeks at Salem and do my best not to miss any of your other matches. Roody is interested in shooting again this year, too.
Only one more chance to qualify for the Worlds this Sat and I need all the help I can. See you at your next match.

Dave and Paul -- good luck with the air guns guys. You've been working hard all winter to make those guns shoot!
Todd -- you will be missed. Give my best to Kathy.
Pete, Al and Penny -- looking forward to seeing you. Pete are you bringing that famous 250 shooter, Fred "Don't Need No Eley" Blanc, with you?
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I asked him tonight if he was going to make the trip but he said his wife was having a tag sale and wouldn`t be able to?!