Iowa/IBS 1000 Yard Nationals update

Gordy Gritters

New member
Here's a brief update on the upcoming IBS 1000 yard Nationals in Pella Iowa on Sept 3-5. We plan on shooting a 4 target agg over 3 days, with Sept 6 and 7 as rain dates. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so everyone can make it home for the holidays. Lee has been working hard with the computer programmers to get the program put together to be able do the 4 target agg properly (sure don't want to figure it by hand!!!!! :)

I just put the details of this update on the "Iowa 1000 Yard Benchrest" page of my own website for now - - and I'll see if Lee can add it to our Iowa club's website this week also - .

Since we are shooting over three days, we have an extra evening, so we decided to add a "Symposium" and "Ladies Night Out" like the Varmint Hunter Jamboree has done for so many years. It has always been such a popular thing at the Jamboree so we thought it would be nice to offer that to the shooters and their families here also. This will be hosted by the Iowa 1000 Yard Club at no cost to anyone.

We have Hornady Bullets scheduled as one of the symposium speakers and will possibly have a second presentation also that evening (might be a Hawkeye borescope presentation if we can get the equipment set up and working properly).

We will all meet for a social time around 7:00 pm Thursday evening at the Pella Memorial Building, then at 7:30 the women will leave for their "Ladies Night Out" while everyone else stays for the Symposium. About 9:00 pm the women will return and there will be plenty of home-made ice cream and refreshments for all.

Then Friday evening we will have a hog roast out at the range - the cost has not yet been determined, but it will probably be somewhere around $20 for all you can eat. Tickets for this will be available when you sign in at the range.

Gordy Gritters and the Iowa staff
Guys & Ladies

We will also have an IBS business meeting Friday before the hog roast where will be giving out the IBS Long Range Marksmen Awards for points earned through June 30,2009. There are quite a few of these awards to give out.

Parking and tents

Are we going to be able to use the field on the East side of the gully, like we did for the 2005 Nats? I sure hope so. The 2005 Nats in Pella were great.
No bean field

I just heard from Gordie that we won't be able to use the field across the gully this year.:( However, Gordie thinks we can make due with out the
bean field and I am sure he is right . When the Iowa club puts on a match
it is always well planned and a good time is had by all.:D See ya'll next week.