Iowa 1000 Yard matches / range info

Gordy Gritters

New member
We had a great (but often wet!!) 2009 season, and the IBS Nationals that we hosted in September went extremely well. Hopefully our 2010 season will be a little drier than it's been the past year, and when we move to the new range later this summer we won't have to fight the river valley mud and floods any more.

We will start our season on Saturday April 17 at our old range and plan to shoot there through our June State Championship match, then hopefully the new range will be ready so we plan to shoot our July and subsequent matches at the new range.

The new range will be at the Brownell's Big Creek Range, which is located about 15 miles NE of our old range, about 1 mile east of the town of Searsboro on Hwy 146. It is on a paved road, which will be nice.

The guy who owned our old range passed away a couple years ago and the family really doesn't want to keep renting the place out any more. They were gracious enough to let us shoot there last year and be able to host the Nationals, but wanted us to relocate somewhere else. Since we have not been able to get anything done at the Brownells location in time to start this season, they did decide to let us use the facility through the June match this year to give us time to get the new range ready.

So we have a bunch of work ahead of us once the ground dries up enough to get in there to get the work done, but in time this should be a first class shooting facility which will be good for Brownells as well as for the shooting community - thank you to Brownells for being willing to work with us on this!

See you all here on the 17'th!
Gordy Gritters