Iowa 1000 - winners and screamers!

Gordy Gritters

New member
We had a great time shooting Saturday and the conditions were quite good for the most part. Lee has the match results from matches 7 and 8 on Iowa’s web site from this past Saturday’s matches. Hopefully next year we can schedule our July match on another weekend from the World Open, but this year we had no choice but to run the same weekend.

There were three screamer groups shot, Light Gun - Al Forbes 3.052" and Lee Fischer 3.691" and one in Heavy Gun - Lee Fischer 4.822".

With two matches left at the Iowa Club we had two shooters break Iowa Club records and set potential new IBS records – Al Forbes has a Six match Light Gun Group aggregate of 4.281 inches and Lee Fischer has a Six match Heavy Gun Score aggregate of 98.5-16X, 6.736 inches.

Congratulations to all winners!!

In the morning, Match 7 relay winners in LG: Group- Al Forbes 3.052", Jim Bauer 7.09" and Joe Panici 8.644" and Score winners- Lee Fischer 46, Gordy Gritters 49 and Joe Thielen 45. Match winners for match 7 LG were Group- Al Forbes 5.463", Score- Gordy Gritters 48.

Match 7 relay winners in HG: Group- Stephen Fischer 6.826" and Lee Fischer 7.067". Score- Al Forbes 94 and Dennis Myron 92. Match winners for match 7 HG were Group- Stephen Fischer 7.134 and Score- Al Forbes 91.

Varmint Gun winners: Group- Doug Shafer 10.214" and Score- Al Forbes 30.

Best Groups and Scores Match 7 LG: Al Forbes 3.052" and Gordy Gritters 49, HG: Stephen Fischer 6.826" and Lee Fischer 97.

Then in the afternoon, Match 8 Relay winners in LG: Group- Lee Fischer 3.691", Ken Wilson 4.476" and Mike Spurgeon 5.439". Score- Jim Bauer 47, Dave Clark 45 and Gordy Gritters 42. Match winners for match 8 were Group- Mike Spurgeon 7.844" and Score- Gordy Gritters 47.

Match 8 winners in HG: Group- Joe Thielen 5.795" and Les Benson 6.349", Score- Jim Bauer 95 and Lee Fischer 99. Match winners for match 8 HG were Group- Joe Thielen 11.024" and Score- Lee Fischer 96.

Varmint Gun winners were Group- Doug Shafer 9.523" and Score- Sally Bauer 46.

Match 8 best Group and Score: LG- Lee Fischer 3.691" and Mike Spurgeon 49 and HG- Lee Fischer 4.822" and Lee Fischer 99.

So next up for us is the IBS 1000 Yard National Championships on Sept 3-5. Details and registration forms are on our website. Some nice prizes are rolling in and we'll have quite an event! See you all there!!!!

Gordy, Lee and the Iowa staff