International Portuguese RFBR Open 2024

I can tell by heart (I hope)...

Pedro - V1 + Shilen + Nightforce + Lapua
Luís - 2500X + Shilen + Nightforce + Lapua
Carlos - Anshutz 54 + Anshutz + Leupold + Lapua
Ricardo - V3 + Muller + Nightforce + Lapua
António - Bleiker + Lidja + Nightforce + Lapua
Alberto - ? + ? +? + RWS
Agostinho - 2500X + Shilen + Nightforce + Lapua
Questions. What target were they shooting and was this indoors or outdoors?
Target is very much like our IR 50/50 target. It was shot at 50 meters and shot outdoors.

All those shots that just make 10 s at 50 yards become 9s at 50 meters.

These really are outstanding scores.

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